Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When cooking there is little margarine for error

When I first started cooking I thought there was little margin for error and that terrified me. As I watched those who cooked around me they seemed to know their way around the kitchen and could throw a dash of salt, a pinch of garlic, a teaspoon of lime without any measuring cups!  I watched in amazement as they did this because it was so different than the way I prepared meals. I would get so caught up in the exact measurements of ingredients that I didn't want to mess it up. I think that's why I always enjoyed baking. There was a set recipe that must be followed exactly and cooks in a specific amount of time.

Then there is cooking. Everything changes!There is not always an exact way to make a recipe and it took me awhile (still learning) to really relish in that.  Despite me not knowing a lot about cooking I'm starting to understand how to spice things on my own! When they first say salt and pepper the chicken I would always be nervous how much is too much, or is this enough? It bothered me that there was not a specific amount. I think that must be the teacher in me! 

This week I decided to make CrockPot Shredded Chicken that I have been seeing all over Pinterest.  If you don't have a pinterest get one now!!

Crockpot Shredded Chicken Recipe - Easiest recipe ever! 

*Boneless Chicken Breast
* Chicken Broth
* Salt & Pepper
* Spices 

Step 1: Salt and Pepper the Chicken 

 2. Add Spices. I added garlic and herb and even a little crushed red paper flake to add some spice. You can add anything you like!

 3. Put it in the crock pot on medium heat for 5-6 hours. Add chicken broth halfway to cover the chicken
4. Take out chicken and let dry for a few minutes. Get a plastic ziploc bag and turn it inside out so that you can grab the chicken and put it inside the bag. Zip up the bag and then use your fingers to separate the chicken. Then it's already in the bag so you can freeze the chicken you don't use.

Once you are done you now have shredded chicken for any number of recipes!! I think this idea is best if you cook your shredded chicken on Sunday and then prepare your meals for the rest of the week!

This week I used the shredded chicken for tacos and chicken salad. I don't have the picture of the tacos but they were delicious!

What have you made or what would you make with the extra shredded chicken?! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Savoring the Tyhme

In life, it's all about savoring the time because sometimes life just goes by way too fast!  Having this summer "off"  and the breaks in between grad school classes has really forced me to savor the time I have free by doing the things I love with the people I love.  One thing I love most is dinner time with friends and family. This may seem surprising since I am new to cooking for myself, but don't get me wrong I LOVE to eat and chat with friends and family.

There is something so quintessential about dinner time.  Having everyone sit down and share the same meal brings me back to memories of my childhood. Growing up this is something that was mandatory in my house and wasn't always something I loved. During high school I wished I could be like my other friends and not have to be home for dinner, but now, I am glad that this was something that our family did because it forced us to savor the time we had together.

Nowadays, I especially love dinner time because it allows friends and family to come together and remove themselves from their cell phones and the constant updates on social media. I am a stickler for this rule. No cell phones at the dinner table. It drives me nuts! Which I have to admit, I did Not always  follow this rule.

Tonight, dinner was a special occasion! Alex completed his first day at the Police Academy and I wanted  to make him something special. He really enjoys steak so I decided to make steak, asparagus, and a Grilled Roasted Corn Salad

 As I was looking over the recipe and discussing with my Mom which items we had in our garden, I learned something new about green beans that had both my Mom and I in a fit of hysterical laughter.  I was reading the recipe and asked her what Hericot Verts were. Being a teacher I pronounced it phonetically as I thought it would sound Hair-i-cot Ver-ts in which she busted out laughing and couldn't stop. Later did I come to find that these Hericot Verts were just a fancy french name for green beens and that it was pronounce Hair-i -co Vare. Why does everything french have to sounds so fancy!  Needless to say I learned a very valuable cooking lesson today about what  Hericot Verts  are.

This is the recipe I followed for the Salad! It was so easy to make and turned out to be the perfect combination of sweet, salty, and crunchy!

Spotlight on Chef 

As I was preparing the meal I learned a lot about cooking! 

1.Using fresh herbs from the garden is a great addition to your meal! 
2. Chiffonade is a real term used to roll herbs and cut into pretty strips.  
3. You tube is your best friend. Taught me how to Chiffonade 
4. I need to learn more french terms to understand these recipes! 

The corn salad turned out amazing and is one I will be making again! I also grilled my very first steak on the grill! 

Looking for inspiration for my next recipe! I am hoping to try a dish from another country! What is your favorite type of food? Mexican? French? German? Italian?

    Chef Lindsay